Lake View, IA Homes for Sale in 51450 and Real Estate MLS # 240980
General Description
Endless Business Opportunities! The versatile building is situated on a spacious lot in a prime, high traffic location. Featuring a wide-open layout with two office spaces. Includes a 10x8 garage door with a commercial-grade belt drive, built-in drain, air exchange system, compressor line, Two-220 outlets, outside security light, and blown-in insulation in the attic. The 60x66 ft concrete pad offers ample space for various uses. Whether you’re starting a restaurant, launching a new venture, or expanding an existing business, this space provides the flexibility and features you need to succeed. Invest in your future today!
Legal: 28-87-36 LAKE VIEW INC 1.21 AC SE SW (A/K/A LOT 2) (exact legal to be taken from abstract)
If you haven't been to West O, you need to go. With their state of the art brewery, and access to some of the best water in the world, their beer is nothing short of amazing. Their tasting room has a cool, industrial feel, and perfect for tasting their many types of beers. CocO Stout has been an award winning beer for years, and definitely worth a ... try! West O has been voted "Best Iowa Beer" by the Des Moines Register readers in 2016.Show More
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