Lake View, IA Homes for Sale in 51450 and Real Estate MLS # 220063
General Description
Green Acres Indeed! There's room enough to grow and then some on this 1.10 m/l Acre Lot. GREAT POTENTIAL of developing into 7 separate Residential lots if desired located steps away from Beautiful Black Hawk Lake. Plan something BIG today!
Legal: 34-87-36 LAKE VIEW INC PARCEL B OF GOV'T LOTS 1 & 2 IN SW 1/4 (exact legal to be taken from abstract)
Mill Creek is located on the NE corner of Okoboji Ave (Hwy 71) and 9th Street in Milford. Dine in or carry out. There's something for everybody--daily and nightly specials, too! The staff is friendly and the atmosphere relaxing. Great burgers, sandwiches, pizza and appetizers. A couple of my faves are the Fried Pickle Chips and the Kentucky Bo... urbon Sandwich. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 11 AM - 11 PM (grill open til 10 PM) and Sunday from 5 PM - 9 PM. Have a party in the events room with family and friends. Games for the kids, too!Show More
Referred to locally as the lake turning over the thermocline is a feature of lakes with deep water. The water on the top of the lake changes temperature much more variably during the year. On West Lake, it can reach as much as 75 degrees in July while the water below, greater than 35 or 40 feet deep is relatively stable around 45 degrees. In the ... fall and early winter, the top strata of the lake will cool to below 45 degrees, and then because it becomes denser, it will "sink" below the lower strata, thus, displacing it and making the lake "turn-over". In the deepest part of West Lake (near the 136ft mark), no light is availble, and hence little life is known whether fish or plant. Typically questions are raised as to why the surface water gets dirty for a short period of time in the fall, this this is the standard answer.Show More
New to Okoboji is The Market Scratch Kitchen. They proudly offer salads, sandwiches and grab 'n go options made with fresh ingredients and prepared daily. Ask about the 'Vacation Mom' meals featuring nutritious and nourishing take-and-bake dishes ready to serve you and your Okoboji vacation family. The community is excited for a healthy food opt... ion choice in our area!Show More
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